Πέμπτη 3 Νοεμβρίου 2011


The majority of the honest tax payer Hellenes are self financed individuals that own property, real estate, and/or other values, earned through their tough and decent work, as well as legally and justfully inherited via parents and other hard working and tax paying ancestors.
The majority of the Hellenic population consists of decent families and decent citizens, regardless of their social class, of their academic status, or the financial situation that defines their affluence or lack of cash flow.
The majority of the Hellenic Population has been brought up with un-negotiable Ethical Values, inherited to the Hellenic Subjects via the Hellenic DNA.
Such Ethics are not mirrored in the days and times of  the, so called, Greek Governments that represent the Hellenes in the various international and European Financial fora and Power Groups. Such Ethics, that define Humanity, seem to be evaporating from the Decision Making Power Groups that seem to hold and manipulate the strings of the International Economy. The lack of Ethics in the international decision making, has gradually turned the Human Society to a barbarian group of amorals.
We, the Hellenes, respecting the heritage we are meant to carry and offer, are Irrevocably Denying to participate in any and all amoral games of fake power. The Hellenes are saying NO to being illegally invoiced by a “crisis” we have not caused.  
PCV 03/11/2011

© Peggy Carajopoulou-Vavali_03-11-2011

I am borrowing and sharing the photo, with thanks, from the group of my heroic socially active friends and co-patriots of the Citizens Group DEN PLIRONO, in which I have the honour to participate  http://facebook.com/denplirono

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